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Information about the Motherhouse, an international center preserving and advancing the history and mission of St. Vincent dePaul and its legacy, will now be easily and quickly accessible. 

(Paris, August 24, 2023) – Maison Mere, the motherhouse of St. Vincent de Paul’s Congregation of the Mission (CM) has launched its new website and social networks. Going forward, members of the CM, the Vincentian Family, and the general public can easily receive information about the news and activities of the house where priests and brothers of the CM have lived since 1817. 

Located in the center of Paris, the Maison Mère is a distinctive space for prayer, study, gatherings, relaxation, and rejuvenation, especially for those who follow in the way of St. Vincent.

Experiencing the Legacy of St. Vincent de Paul

The fresh website and social media platforms provide content about the ongoing renovation of the Maison Mère as well as details about meetings and events happening there including those to be held in its spectacular St. Vincent de Paul Chapel. Mass timetables, and contact information will now be easily accessible.

The website also facilitates requests for booking rooms or meeting spaces at Maison Mère. “The Maison Mère seeks to welcome followers of St. Vincent, organizations with a missionary vocation, pilgrims, retreatants and all those who wish to study St. Vincent and his legacy,” said Fr. Roberto Gómez, Superior of the Maison Mère.

Promoting the Mission of the Congregation

Launching these new communication channels is part of a broader process of renewal of the CM itself and Maison Mère.In 2019, and in anticipation of our 400th anniversary in 2025, we began the renovation of our motherhouse so that it would be ready to respond to the needs of the Congregation, the people we serve and will serve in the 21st century and beyond,” commented Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM Superior General. “We want everyone to have not only a place, a home to come to —Maison Mère—, but also a “digital home” so that we can be connected to each other and be able to share the mission and legacy of St. Vincent de Paul with the world,” he added.

A new mission for Maison Mère

In 2019, Maison Mère embarked on a renovation process to make it better able to support the entire Vincentian family’s efforts to serve people living in poverty.

The new digital channels also will make it easy to give a gift to support the renovation of the Maison Mère. “This renovation of our Maison Mère is a substantial undertaking. We have many long corridors of guest rooms, several meeting rooms, a large kitchen and dining room, a grand courtyard and a huge garden to renovate and improve. Every window must be replaced by an exact duplicate. Roofs and gutters will be repaired or replaced. All stone work will be tuck-pointed, cleaned and repaired. We are making this house ready for a future mission, a mission that already has begun,” stated Fr. Mark Pranaitis, a member of the CM responsible for overseeing fundraising to support the renovation.

Check out Maison Mère’s new digital channels:

