Join our Vincentian Family in prayer to walk this time towards Easter accompanied by the Word of the Lord on our Maison Mère’s Lent Calendar:
Lent is a time of prayer and preparation in which the Church unites itself with the mystery of Jesus in the desert. Like Christ, for 40 days we propose to separate ourselves from the material things of the world to strengthen ourselves in the Holy Spirit.
Prayer is a moment of grace that allows us to get to know God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit more closely, receive his Good News, and make it our own to spread it around the world to all the people we meet along the way.
Let us pray together as if we were united in Maison Mére, as we are in the Spirit of Jesus Christ and our founder St. Vincent De Paul, this Lent.
In St. Vincent de Paul,
Fr. Roberto Gomez
Maison Mère Superior CM